Web 2022

Fuego Nuevo —Sergio Suárez

Through a combination of printmaking, ceramics, and installation, Sergio Suárez uses distinct traditional techniques to assemble a visual language, one that examines the fusion, impermanence, and consistency of objects, images, and structures. The exhibition is framed by the Meso-American, post-classical-period ceremony Fuego Nuevo (New Fire)—a ritual enacted every 52 years to ensure that the sun would return, thus staving off the end of the world.

Atlanta, Reviews
December 30, 2022
Atlanta, GA
Text/ Jacob O'Kelley

Binge Watch—On Performances of Excessive Eating

“The act of binging is one of abjection. It demonstrates the power of something inanimate, or no longer animate, over human beings—in this case, food. The abject manifests viscerally as squirming, belching, or vomiting. Such images threaten the common belief that eating is pleasurable, a notion that begins in infancy.”

December 21, 2022
Text / Lydia Horne

Greg Ito: Looking Back to Let Go

This is probably the most personal show I’ve made. I want people to know that the work is connected to these real experiences, so there’s pretty intimate stuff that’s only been seen within our family circle .… I had to ask my mom if it was okay to share these photographs. Since we weren’t able to get permission from relatives who have passed to share these things, all the faces are going to be covered with small white stickers. That way we can keep our family identities private and off the internet. These stickers also create a pathway for viewers to insert themselves into [my family’s] experience.

May 11, 2022
San Diego, CA
Interview / Stephanie Bailey

Pearl Cleage: Fragile Bodies on a Fragile Planet

The thing that strikes me more and more as I get older is how we spend so much time and energy and bluster building cities, having wars, dominating and insulting each other, when all the time, we are living inside these fragile bodies that have to exist on a fragile planet in the company of other fragile beings and unknown viruses.

Atlanta, Interviews
April 27th, 2022
Atlanta, GA
Interview / Edward Austin Hall