do / you
This project by writer and video artist Jason Lipeles explores questions of past and present, and of love in isolation and through connection, and relies heavily upon the asterisk’s potential.
Architectural Camouflage and the Class Dynamics of Housing
Gabriel Cira reveals how confounding façades can also reinforce the dominant narrative by masking economic differences to favor a mirage of homogeneity. Photos by Pat Falco.
There Will Be Sacrifices Along The Way
Across six paintings, Tori Tinsley tells the story of a parent, a child, and their donkey helper.
The Museum Union Wave Timeline
Data on this timeline came from public records, secondary-source media accounts, and email or phone exchanges with union members and leaders, as well as from union and museum social media accounts and press releases.
The Heart’s Knowledge Will Never Decay
How, through the gestures, objects and images we create, do we represent our own, and another’s emotional states, display care for each other through that ability, while also inventing new ways to empathize in our own moment and through time?
Obstacle Race
A personal essay on the artist’s navigation of the art world while disabled.
Aaron Gemmill has spent years photographing the proliferation of luxury condominiums, mostly in Brooklyn, NY. His project is a selection of these photos (which Gemmill originally posted to Instagram under the hashtag “#condoreport) and his prints of the Plexiglas windowpanes used to give passersby a glimpse into construction sites.
Gray Harbor
What such water goods reveal—only to persons close enough to smell the clinging dregs of seaweed or willing to caress the faux-leather handbag tucked into a cellophane sleeve—are the sentient negotiations of supple conquest.
In August 2017, I was a passenger—a “supernumerary,” in shipping lingo—aboard a cargo ship that sailed the North Sea’s perimeter before crossing the Atlantic Ocean: Le Havre to Antwerp to Rotterdam to Bremerhaven and over Scotland to Charleston, South Carolina. These photographs and notes document the journey.
If highways and thoroughfares are Atlanta’s arteries, its bus stops are its pulse sites— places at which human life most authentically inhabits a city on the move.