New York
Cajsa von Zeipel: Nine Lives
This Is America: A Drill at the Park Avenue Armory
Fawz Kabra questions the logics of institutional critique in Hito Steyerl’s Drill.
Art Isn’t Neutral
Sara Wintz, Carin Kuoni and Laura Raicovich discuss the impossibility of neutrality
Simone Leigh: Loophole of Retreat
Is Art Still “What Makes Life More Interesting Than Art”?
FROM THE ARCHIVES: November/December 2001— Cay Sophie Rabinowitz wrote on the tragic events of September 11, 2001, and the ability of art to go on in the aftermath.
A Brief History of Power
Contributing editor Stephanie Bailey traces the lines of electrification to political power via Chilean artist Iván Navarro and the 38th EVA International in Ireland.
Dependency and Improvisation
Amalle Dublon, Constantina Zavitsanos, and Park McArthur share notes about access, thickness and gain, and site and dependency in relation to McArthur’s recent exhibition Projects 195: Park McArthur at MoMA.