Winter 2018/2019
Henrik Olesen: What is Most Deep is the Skin
On artist Henrik Olesen’s “Hysterical Men” and “The Walk,” which concern mental illness and the pathologization of queerness by way of historical figures.
Giving It Away
A conversation on disability and capitalism by way of Constantina Zavitsanos’ artistic practice.
On Evasion
A formal and historical reading of a set of drawings probably forged by an analyst and used to make various claims about autistic people.
Andrea Crespo
Andrea Crespo’s ongoing series of drawings centers around the stereotyping of people who have been psychopathologized as potential school shooters.
Vacant Presence
On how and why artists Park McArthur, Jesse Darling, and Julia Phillips use bodily supports without depicting the figure.
Rethinking Sensory Dimensions
An interview with artist Wendy Jacob about how her investigation of tactility brought her to work with communities of disabled people.
Dependency and Improvisation
Amalle Dublon, Constantina Zavitsanos, and Park McArthur share notes about access, thickness and gain, and site and dependency in relation to McArthur’s recent exhibition Projects 195: Park McArthur at MoMA.