Ports of Call
The American Garden in Nineteenth-Century Canton
Interview with Kim Stanley Robinson
Amitav Ghosh: The Great Derangement
French philosopher Jean-Pierre Dupuy writes: “If we destroy nature is it because we hate nature? Of course not—we merely hate one another.”
He may well be right.
Adrian Piper: A Synthesis of Intuitions, 1965–2016
Port Authorities
Mere mention of the word “airport” may trigger certain emotional responses. Some may not be positive. Airports are the unpleasant part of the journey, the necessary evil. But what if airports become the destination?
7-Eleven Glazed Honey Bun
In August 2017, I was a passenger—a “supernumerary,” in shipping lingo—aboard a cargo ship that sailed the North Sea’s perimeter before crossing the Atlantic Ocean: Le Havre to Antwerp to Rotterdam to Bremerhaven and over Scotland to Charleston, South Carolina. These photographs and notes document the journey.