ECHOES Episode 2
Ricardo Dominguez: Charting Virtual and Real Borders
Electronic activism and performance art, and how artists might respond to the increasingly bordered conditions of our world.
harder / border
People who cross a border, or break through a barrier, often feel that they carry the other side within them—as one lived reality nested inside another. Selected poems from Sudanese-American author Safia Elhillo capture the poignant complexities of this condition.
Aaron Gemmill has spent years photographing the proliferation of luxury condominiums, mostly in Brooklyn, NY. His project is a selection of these photos (which Gemmill originally posted to Instagram under the hashtag “#condoreport) and his prints of the Plexiglas windowpanes used to give passersby a glimpse into construction sites.
St. Louis: Navigating the Brick City
The urban landscape can be seen as a transcription of a city’s history. In St. Louis, the construction and destruction of brick buildings reveal a racialized history of segregation and inequality.
Porous Cosmopolis: Teddy Cruz and Fonna Forman
Teddy Cruz and Fonna Forman’s many co-extensive projects merge activist praxis, intellectual and skill exchange, horizontalist planning, and creative production to examine and change the way that borders, and the communities around them, are conceived of and function.
New Frontiers
Current developments in London highlight the politics of “Creative Quarters.”