Documentary After Truth

Documentary After Truth, our Fall 2024 theme, looks to artists who use the formal attributes and aesthetic markers of documentary, historical documentation, and other non-fiction forms to present fictional narratives. This theme questions what trust we can place in the formal and aesthetic markers conventionally associated with nonfiction, and what positive, generative, or redemptive potentials such forms carry today.


— Re’al Christian, Dark Study: on Emily Jacir, Forensic Architecture, and fugitive documentary
Heather Bird Harris, Zora J. Murff: Documenting the Shadow Empire
—  Tara Anna Dalbow, Magdalena Suarez Frimkess—The Finest Disregard
— Tomi Sey Laja, Jen Everett: Kinship, Interiority & the Black Femme Gaze
— Anthony Hawley, Auscultation (n.)

— [COMING SOON] Call and Response — Interview with Amber Esseiva
Plus more!