Courtney McClellan
Larping Adulthood: Freeville to Midlands
At my elementary school, we maintained a post office, participated in kids’ voting, and took a lesson in free market...
Azza El Siddique: In the place of annihilation, where all the past was present and returned transformed
Azza El Siddique’s exhibition at MIT List Visual Arts Center is a treatise on scent and transformation. In the place...
Kameelah Janan Rasheed: Chasing Things That Cannot Be Chased
Kameelah Janan Rasheed is a learner—an elastic term that includes artist, writer, teacher, collaborator, and public speaker. In Smooooooooooooooth Operator,...
Trevor Paglen: Vision After Seeing
Vision After Seeing investigates the fallacies of surface as a means to address geopolitical complexity. The exhibition consists of a...
A Training in Suspense—Stacey Abrams’ While Justice Sleeps
In “Training in Suspense,” Courtney McClellan questions the implication of veracity in the recent spate of politician-penned political thrillers by way of Stacey Abrams’ new novel, While Justice Sleeps.
Kevin Young: The Opposite of a Hoax
On the racialized history of truth, fiction, and hoax.
Carrie Lambert-Beatty: Truth Bias
Carrie Lambert-Beatty discusses her latest research by way of the value of investigation, epistemological behaviors, and fake news in an age of uncertainty.