Art Papers Learn

Re’al Christian & Maxwell Paparella in Conversation

Re’al Christian and Maxwell Paparella will discuss Re’al’s contribution to the ART PAPERS Summer 2022 issue. In “Refusing the Here-Now, An Afrofuturist Period Room and Black Fugitivity in the Undercommons,” Re’al considers the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s recent addition to their suite of period rooms. In her text, Christian asks whether—to whatever extent it is possible—the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s new Afrofuturist period room enacts Fred Moten and Stefano Harney’s concept of the undercommons. They will also chat about Maxwell’s text from Summer 2022, “On the National Mall,” in which Paparella describes a recent visit to the US capital and considers the shifting and precarious status of our most politically hallowed public spaces.

Real Christian is a writer, editor, and art historian based in Queens, NY. Her work has appeared in BOMB Magazine, The Brooklyn Rail, Art in America, and ART PAPERS, where she is a contributing editor. She has written catalogue and exhibition texts for CUE Art Foundation, DC Moore Gallery, the Hunter College Art Galleries, Sikkema Jenkins & Co., and Performa. Christian received her MA in art history from Hunter College, and her bachelor’s degree in art history and media studies from New York University.

Maxwell Paparella lives in New York City. He is the managing editor of Screen Slate, and his fiction and criticism have appeared in BOMB Magazine, The Brooklyn Rail, Pioneer Works’ Broadcast, and elsewhere.