The 15th Anniversary
After a decade and a half of publishing, Art Papers under Glenn Harper’s editorship had arrived as a national art journal of prominence, routinely featuring well known artists alongside emerging ones and a similar range of writers. Volume 15 contained some of the magazine’s most interesting contents, including interviews with artists Keith Sonnier, Philip Glass, Chris Burden, Christian Boltanski and Ann Hamilton, curators Collins and Milazzo, and folk artist George Andrews. Articles included censorship and public art, a timely topic in relation to the NEA culture wars, and special issues on Mail Art and the Alternative Arts Press. The latter issue, in particular, proved that the publication was among a handful of enduring non-profit journals of note along with Art Issues and New Art Examiner. Other publications featured in that issue, such as the Minnesota-based Art Paper, contributed daunting accounts of why they went out of business-almost as a warning to the remaining members, and readers of, the alternative arts press. The year concluded with a special 15th Anniversary issue (see photo). Funded by the Warhol Foundation, the issue featured contributions from former editors and writers, as well as reprints of some of the most provocative and still relevant articles from the magazine’s past.