Vodka Void: Garage Sale Edition
Get ready for Vodka Void: Garage Sale Edition!
We’ve been in (albeit late) spring cleaning mode, and we’ve found a ton of great stuff hiding in our closets. Therefore, in addition to our usual selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic complimentary beverages, we are adding a Garage Sale component to our upcoming Vodka Void.
We’re calling it a “Sale,” but really, it’s all free. FREE!
Just take it. Take it all.
We’ve got everything from old CD players to humidifiers to tea kettles to clothing hangers. Come take your pick, and enjoy a glass of something tasty on us!
Last year, we found seven cases of vodka in our closet. We decided to share it.
Vodka Void happens every third Friday of the month from 5 – 6:30PM at the Art Papers office. We have free drinks (vodka, obviously, but we usually also have beer, wine, juice, etc).
People who should come to Vodka Void:
ART PAPERS readers, ART PAPERS writers, ART PAPERS artists, any artists, any writers, anyone who has read ART PAPERS, anyone who hasn’t read ART PAPERS (but wants to!), anyone who has attended our Auction, anyone who has participated in our Auction, anyone who has volunteered in our Auction, anyone who has attended any Art Papers event ever, anyone who hasn’t attended an Art Papers event (but wants to!), past interns, current interns, potential future interns, friends of all the people mentioned above, and random People From The Internet.
It’s very casual. Usually we all just end up hanging out and having good conversations. Sometimes we give away free stuff.