Fall Fundraiser Soirée


Join us on Thursday, November 16, from 6:30–9:00 PM for PAST, PRESENT, + FUTURE an event in support of Art Papers.

This fall, rather than planning the usual art auction event, Art Papers will host a small but mighty community of our supporters and stakeholders as we unveil a radical new plan for the next three years of Art Papers.

We will gather in the beautiful, art-filled private Buckhead residence of Courtney Bombeck for an evening celebrating Art Papers’ past, present, and future. Enjoy food and drink with fellow art lovers, participate in raffles for limited edition artwork and archival items, and be among the first to learn about exciting changes afoot at Art Papers.

Catering by Mojy Haute Cuisine

Artwork and prizes courtesy of Lucinda Bunnen, Ryan Coleman, Sergio Suarez, Mildred Thompson Legacy, and the Emilio Ambasz Institute at the Musuem of Modern Art.

Several ticket options are available