Fuego Nuevo —Sergio Suárez
Through a combination of printmaking, ceramics, and installation, Sergio Suárez uses distinct traditional techniques to assemble a visual language, one that examines the fusion, impermanence, and consistency of objects, images, and structures. The exhibition is framed by the Meso-American, post-classical-period ceremony Fuego Nuevo (New Fire)—a ritual enacted every 52 years to ensure that the sun would return, thus staving off the end of the world.
Sonya Yong James: LOUD MAGIC
Sonya Yong James’ exhibition LOUD MAGIC [September 6 – October 19, 2019] at Whitespace in Atlanta is a slow-simmering study...
Zipporah Camille Thompson: Black Cloud Prism
Zipporah Camille Thompson’s Black Cloud Prism [September 7–October 20, 2018] at Whitespace in Atlanta fuses millennial tech-savvy with ancient cultural...